Piper Blue - 5 weeks, 6 days Time is flying by for our little family. I can't believe Piper will be six weeks old tomorrow. She is so time consuming that I haven't been able to get much done. One thing that is quick and easy to do is the status updates on Facebook. These are the updates I wrote along with a smattering of comments from others. I thought this would be an interesting way to look at the last six weeks in written 'snapshots'. I will start from the day before Piper was born:
Six years today! Can't believe we are married for six years! Time went by so fast - well except for the last nine months - that has been taking forever!
Congrats! Wait 'til you see how fast the next 40+ go!
Piper Blue was born on May 30th - twice! Will have to write a blog post to explain... we are all now home safe and sound. Thanks for all of the well wishes.
Congrats!! Irony is that you'd be having your party at this very time! So now, going forward there will be more to celebrate - the birth of your wonderful daughter, so happy for you both!!
Piper's Wild Ride . . . . http://pregnantafterprom.blogspot.com/
What a wonderful story, my eyes welled up with tears at the end..I was waiting for this final entry to your blog..Or is it the final entry? So happy for you guys! and Piper is one lucky little girl to have parents that just loved and wanted her so very much. Like a little miracle.
I Heart my Uterus. . . http://pregnantafterprom.blogspot.com/
Calling all moms who nursed! Anyone have such a strong letdown that their baby would choke and wheeze? Any advice?
Sounds like you have a good supply! Piper could be reacting to either an overabundant supply or an forceful let down. Do you have a pump? If so, can you pump for a couple of minutes just prior to nursing her? This may help her by allowing your milk to let down-she won't have to gulp to adjust for the flow. Try nursing Piper with her head higher than your nipple line to ensure that she can handle the milk. Some mamas with over abundant supplies or forceful letdowns have found success with nursing this way as well as using the football hold. (which is great post c-section) You can lean back and the baby's head will fall into a natural upward position. You can try nursing her on one side only, then offering her the same breast for two feedings in a row (then switch to the other side for a couple of feedings) This can help your body adjust to an over abundant supply.
Thanks for the advice Mary - I am currently doing all of those things - I don't have a pump, but have hand expressed to lessen the flow. I am starting to get a handle on getting her into a good position - but sometimes she still chokes once or twice during the feeding and drops the nipple. I sit her up right when she chokes and tap and rub her back...
We have our first pediatrician appointment tomorrow - hopefully they can eliminate some of our concerns . .. thanks for your encouragement!
Seems like things are leveling out . . . except for Piper's weight - she is up to 7lbs 1oz. Already 5oz over her birth weight at 9 days old! My little piggy . . .
That's a beautiful thing - she will be a good sleeper :o)
Last night was a little better. I have a lactation consultant coming tomorrow - hopefully she will give me some tips to make things easier....
Piper gained 7oz in 4 days! She is up to 7lbs 8oz. And I have lost 25lbs in 11 days. She is sucking the weight off me. Zowie!!
The beauty of breast feeding... good for child GREAT for mom!
Why are we still awake?
oh Piper. http://pregnantafterprom.blogspot.com/
Newborns are like cars: If it makes a bad noise, its either
1. intake....needs food
2. combustion.....needs to be burped
3. exhaust.....wet or nasty diaper
4. operating temperature.....too hot or too cold...
if it's not one of those things, report to maintenance.
Where do I find this 'maintenance' place? Can I drop her off for a couple hours?
7 sherwood forest drive.....its called gramma's house.... :)
You go, Melissa!
You say that now Jan - she has had QUITE a day already! And if she is an angel when we get to your place I will eat my hat!!
ah, Kerri - I promise you will go through MANY hats.......
Having another off night. I am so tired - why isn't she?
Kerri, I am sorry that you are not sleeping, but she will get used to nights and days, eventually.
Eventually. I feel like she is using me as an "all you cat eat - 24 hour buffet".
Those little ones like to play with you. They sleep great in the beginning and then they get all confused!
They sleep like angels during the day and stay up all night! It will get better...just takes time. Best advice, nap when she naps!
Patience. You will look back at these days in years from now and wish they were back. I'm so so happy for you sweetie!
Funny how taking a few hundred photos makes everything alright again. LOL
2:07. Yawn. Please sleep more than an hour....
Oh, no! I remember those days! I hope Piper starts sleeping better for you!
Desperate times, desperate measures.
uhoh ---
We bought a baby swing, because Mommy's arms are ready to fall off.
She was good overnight and so far this morning. Hope I am not jinxing it!
The cats love Piper. They just left her a dead chipmunk in her room. Nice.
I know that is supposed to mean that they accept, and welcome her......but that is gross!!!!
isn't that sweet, you have taught your kitties to share so well. . .( P.S. Double Yuck!)
At least they didn't rip it apart. It looked like it was sleeping. A sweet little toy....
Waaaa. waaaaa WAAAAA. (And the baby cries a lot too.)
I will never be ready for Sunday, but Piper was born ready.
Don't ask me if Piper slept. It's another cranky night.
LIAR!!! She was a little darling all afternoon...
I don't think I've had a good nights sleep in 5 years
4:25am. Piper, Piper, Piper. Mommy needs her beauty sleep she is turning into a crabby hag!
of course she is going to be cranky, it's the day before the party. That's always the way.
Megan is right there will be plenty of people to hold her, just keep "utilizing your resources". This is a win win for all.
Piper is sleeping, finally, after an hour of tired crying. Shhhhhhhhhh.
WooHoo! Yeeeaaaahhhh baby! :-)
Nevermind. Up and screaming again.
She was great at the party though...... yeah-she slept so much at the party she's gonna be up all night!
My daughter, the yoyo. Now she is sleeping on me, but wants nothing to do with her bed. :(
Just give me a ring and I will be over to put her to sleep!!!
Jenn is "Super Nanny" in disguise! :-)
Still in bed at 9:43. Piper is snoozing. After hollering for an hour last night she had the best sleep ever! And now she is smiling at me. Awwww.
The miracle of fresh air an sunshine!
She likes parties.
Someone must have slipped her some booze - she is still sleeping!
Anytime you want a group of us to come over and hold her, just let us know, LOL!
Who's taking bets? Sleep or no sleep?
sleep! hopefully..
So far, so good. 4 hour stretch
But 45 minutes later she is still wide awake.
Let's see. Asleep at 11, up at 3. Asleep at 4:30, up at 5:30. Asleep at 6, up at 7:30. Back asleep and up at 9:30. No crying fits, just periods of wide awake.
Sleeping now. Angel.
Just getting to sleep at 1am. Going to be a long night.
5am. Driving Piper around to get her to sleep. tWas a long night.
ooooh :(
Oh, Piper!
try putting her on the dryer. I know that your tired, so remember, ON the dryer.
ahh, the dryer, the same principal as the vacuum cleaner.
Piper is going to become very familiar with our appliances, very soon!
I don't know the vacuum cleaner thing. . .please share?
When my daughter was an infant, she was crying, but I had company coming and had to vacuum the rugs. I was holding her in one arm and started the vacuum at which point her head went down on my shoulder and she went to sleep. Ask Jan and Claire, we went everywhere with our vacuum. Studies show dryers, blow dryers and vacuums remind infants of the sounds of the womb, so they go to sleep. I worked with a psychologist one time that recorded his vacuum for his infant daughter. Also, "shushing " softly in their ear does the same thing.
Oh yes. I am a shushing queen now. You should see me shush and bob!
Is this a Festivus in July miracle? Piper has gone back to sleep after 40 minutes! Yippee.
Ooh... I need to pull out my list for the airing of grievances!
We are going to do the feats of strength today - how many times can I hoist an 11 pound baby?
It has been a long six weeks and it has also flown by so quickly. I appreciate all of the love and support from our family and friends. Piper is snoozing on my chest now - these are the moments that make it all worth while . . .
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