Monday, January 11, 2010

The Noah's Ark of Baby Anatomy

19 weeks, 3 days

The pieces and parts all come in two by twos. Two arms, two legs, two feet, two hands, two kidneys, two eyes - okay so there was only one brain and one heart, but two parts to the brain and four chambers to the heart so that is like two times two. What I am trying to say is everything looked perfectly normal on today's scan. It was an unremarkable level II ultrasound. Nothing they saw was of any concern, it all looked normal.

I have never been so happy to be normal, well as Griffin pointed out, Piper is normal - not me. It was great to hear. Even my amniotic fluid looked normal. It seems like this whole baby thing might actually happen for us.

I thought it would be a huge weight off of me today, but we are still not out of the woods. I must continue to get my cervix measured every two weeks and I have a home health care nurse come in to give me a shot of progesterone every week. Not until the baby would be viable outside of my body will be even nearing the edge of the woods. That is at 24 weeks. A little more than 4 weeks from now. Even at 24 weeks, a baby born that early would so delicate I don't like to think about it.

I know I just have to take things day by day and be happy that everything is going so well. I have many things to look forward to, but I want to try to enjoy the little milestones. Today was a good one. We never got to this scan before. Friday will be 20 weeks. The halfway point and the end point of the last pregnancy. That will be another milestone that I am looking forward to putting behind me. I know it will come and go so quickly, but right now it feels like time is dragging.

Let's see what tomorrow holds.

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