Tuesday, January 26, 2010


21 Weeks, 4 days

Yesterday we had another appointment at the NJ Perinatal Associates at St. Barnabas Hospital. We have been going there every two weeks for the last two months to have my cervix measured. It's an invasive procedure, literally. There is no dignity in pregnancy and I have gotten used to be prodded in all sorts of embarrassing ways. My cervix has been measuring long and closed. Often, the doctor will congratulate me on it as if I had some ability to control this accomplishment. They have been checking my cervix to be sure I am not going into PROM again. Of course, last time my cervix was fine and my water broke anyhow. I won't complain about the kid glove treatment, it has given me peace of mind.

Before the ultrasound to check my lady parts, the tech always does a sonogram to just give us another peek at Piper. She tried with all her might to get Piper to turn her head and smile for the camera. Piper would not cooperate. Proving, once again, that our stubbornness runs in her genes.

Then the doctor came it. He did his exam and complimented my nice, long cervix. Good job! After scrawling down some notes he announced that we have graduated. This was the last check they were going to do on my cervix. Clearly everything is going along just fine and it is now unnecessary to keep measuring it. The next time they want to see us is in six weeks. Six weeks! Wow. I felt like I had won the lottery.

I asked the doctor if he would consider this a 'low risk' pregnancy - he started shaking his head before I could finish my question - which was if you don't take the other pregnancies into consideration. He smiled a bit and nodded. Yes, this is a normal pregnancy. It's so nice to be normal.

Griffin and I made the next appointment which will be in March. I will be 27 weeks and change at that time. My next OB appointment is not for another four weeks. We have nearly a whole month with no doctor visits! It's amazing. Wonderful. A relief.

We had been seeing a doctor or giving blood nearly every week, I can't believe they are letting us go so long. I feel like a little kid who had their training wheels taken off. We are flying solo for four long weeks. How will I survive without the doc stroking my cervix's ego? What will do with our free time? I guess we will look to meet with a midwife now. That will occupy us for a while. We can discuss the possibility of home birth with her. Mind you, I only said possibility.

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